If you perceive the Bill and Melinda Gates or the Chan-Zuckerberg foundation as just epitome of modern day philanthropy, I would say that you have very narrow understanding and ignorance of philanthropy in India.
My story:
I could make it to European universities with the J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship, a scholarship in practice for the last 110+ years.
Here are the few philanthropy organizations well in operation before the typical American tax evasion philanthropy was made cool.
1. Azim Premji Foundation (Wipro)
2. Shiv Nadar Foundation (HCL Tech)
3. Infosys Foundation
4. Tata Trusts (since 1892)
If you think, you are a philanthropist, here is a portal for you to donate:
We have raised nearly $1 million for the above #OxygenForIndia campaign.
Philanthropy takes heart. It's easier said than done.